Sunday, March 21, 2010

PUMA KOLA by Sprecher

Fire-brewed from Glendale, Wisconsin, Sprecher(looks like "Sprecfier")'s 'Puma Kola' is a sock-knocker at least. And let's note, it's a little pathetic, giving a mostly raving review out the gate, but here it is.

TEXTURE: Smooth honey-vanilla tingle.

TASTE/FLAVORS: Honey, kola extract, vanilla, cinnamon. This bottle consciously neglects the use of caffeine as a flavorful choice. These folks know what they're doing. The honey's prevalence makes for smooth sippin', while the corn syrup briefly lingers and the cinnamon leaves a man with a welcomed spark in his throat.

And as alluded to in it's title, Sprecher extracts from Kola nuts. This was the original method used to caffeinate(not an actual word) Kola. This practice has rarefied, but it's debatably the original namesake for Kola and Colas bestowed in 1886.

BEST CONSUMED: Warm weather brew. Contrary to it's Milwaukee proximate, it's summer-flower flavor deserves a pool side, or a barbecue side.

GOES WELL WITH: Well, if you're not 'q'ing, get something spicy and let this cool your cock. Thai or Viet would top that list.

This bloody aphrodisiac certainly ought to earn it's integration into your 'cycle' as well as it has mine. Sprecher also famously brews it's own honey-laden root beer as well as several beers, seasonal and year round.


Aside from chain-drinking soda from the age of thirteen and imagining exotic, foreign significant others paddling me around in canoes, pouring kola in my mouth every day and night, no, I have no experience.

A short bio:

At 21 a significant other suggested, why not give up soda as your new years resolution? I gave my s.o. a black eye and eventually my s.o. dumped me. Or actually, I dumped the s.o.

In any matter, this is Kola Magic.

Welcome, girls.